Case Assignment (Provide the information on Books and Journals)
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Case Assignment (Provide the information on Books and Journals)
PART A: Books
Go to the library, find the following books, and provide the information requested:
1) Raj, R. (2009). Name of book: A Study in Business Ethics. Published by himalaya Publishing house, Mumbai, India. Book was retrieved from eBrary.
a) What is the proper end reference – using APA Style – for this book?
b) What is the title of Chapter 6?
c) Provide the first sentence of Chapter 2. Then, using proper APA Style, cite this sentence in-text as a direct quotation, e.g., Raj states: “…………”
d) Go to Chapter 7. Paraphrase the second paragraph on page 129. Be sure to include the proper (APA) in-text citation, e.g.: Raj (2009) claims……
2) Title of this 2008 book is Humanities Insights: Thinking Ethically in Business. Book was published by Humanities-Ebooks, LLP (publishing house located in Penrith, Great Britain). Author is SANDRA Dwyer. Retrieved from eBrary.
a) What is the proper end reference – using APA Style – for this book?
b) What is the title of Chapter 4?
c) Provide the third sentence of Chapter 5.1. Then, using proper APA Style, cite this sentence in-text as a direct quotation.
d) Go to Chapter 1.3 (“Workplace Duties…”). Paraphrase the first paragraph. Be sure to include the proper (APA) in-text citation.
PART B: Journal Articles
Go to the library, and locate the following journal articles:
1) M. Kaptein is the author of this 2011 article entitled “From Inaction to External whistleblowing: The Influence of the Ethical Culture of Organizations on employee Responses to observed Wrongdoing. Published in 2011. Found in the Journal of Business Ethics. Volume number 98, and Issue # 3. Article found on pages 513-530. Retrieved from ProQuest.
a) What is the proper end reference – using APA Style – for this journal article?
b) Provide the first sentence in the first paragraph under the “Clarity” section on page 516, and cite this sentence (in-text) as a direct quotation.
c) Is this journal a scholarly one? How do you know?
2) O’Boyle & Sandona are the authors of this 2014 article entitled “Teaching business Ethics through Popular feature Films: An experiential approach.” Found on pages 329-340 in the “Journal of business Ethics.” Retrieved from EBSCO – Business Source Complete. Volume number 121; Issue number 3.
a) Using APA Style, provide the end reference for this article.
b) Provide the first sentence under the section heading “Moral Decision-Making Process,” and cite in-text using proper APA Style.
c) Is this a scholarly journal? How do you know?
3) Enron ON Stage. Article dated September 21, 2009. Published in “The EcoNOmist (Online).” Retrieved from ProQuest
a) Using APA Style, provide the end reference for this article.
b) Paraphrase the third paragraph (beginning with: “In a way, the Enron collapse….”), and cite in-text using proper APA Style.
c) Is this a scholarly journal? How do you know?
Part C: Electronic Sources (e.g., Websites)
1) Using the format provided below, give the proper APA end reference for this 2015 article authored by Chris Seabury:
Chris Seabury, author. Website: Article title is “Enron: The fall of a Wall street Darling.” Dated 2015 (no month and day provided). Retrieved from
Last name, first initial. (YYYY, MM DD). Title of article. Name of website. Retrieved from [URL].
Bailey, S. (2013, May 15). Business leaders beware: Ethic drift makes standards slip. Forbes. Retrieved from leaders-beware-ethical-drift-makes-standards-slip/